Tuesday, October 14, 2008

USS Bonhomme Richard (2)

By an amazing coincidence Colin, the professional photographer I met with his wife Evelyn at Fisherman's Wharf during the air display practice, visited the USS Bonhomme Richard at almost the same time as myself!

He emailed me pics and a little report, which I gladly publish. The pics, as ever, are great. (For my report, see previous blog.)

Colin says that the trip began with a 'patient wait in a long queue' and a 'humourous conversation with security staff (armed marines).'

Unable to produce US government photo ID, he fortunately found that 'my UK driving licence did for me.'

Then there was the minor problem of Evelyn!

'My word that Evelyn had been married to me for 44 years and that I

did indeed know her, did for her,' he said.

When he joked that England - his country of residence - was the 'best of the UK countries!' he was told that most people visiting were from the UK.

Colin's comment on the tour:

'An enjoyable conducted tour by friendly sailors ensued around this Harrier Jump Jet / helicopter carrier.'

He made the additional interesting comment that 'Cameras were allowed and photography was accepted without comment.'

That was very true. There seemed to be no restrictions on pics within the confined areas of the tours.

For an album of pics click here

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